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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo e Design

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Prof(a) Clarissa Freitas invited to Latin American Urban Design Lab Lecture Series Data da publicação: November 16, 2021. Categoria:Uncategorized
Join the on Thursday, November 18 at 5:30 CST for the first event of the #designagency lecture series featuring Dr. Clarissa F. Sampaio [...]

PPGAU+D contribution to Social Interest Special Zones (ZEIS) in Fortaleza Data da publicação: February 2, 2021. Categoria:Uncategorized
The contribution of PPGAU+D for the elaboration of Integrated Regularization Plans(PIRF) of ZEIS Pic, Poço da Draga and Bom Jardim. [...]

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